Pine Tree and Crane Mallet of Luck
A vibrant red hue serves as a bold base for the striking hues and textures of this Kutani ware piece. Called a kozuchi, or “mallet of luck”, it sits atop a matching red cushion to bring luck and longevity to your home. The kozuchi is an oft-seen symbol in Japanese folklore, and it is believed that anyone who holds and shakes it will have their wish granted.
The surface of the kozuchi is intricately decorated with a technique called mori-e, which uses thick paint to create lines and textures that add another visual dimension to the piece. This kozuchi features gold edges and stunning colors, plus paintings of a pine tree and crane, both auspicious symbols.
The pine tree, known as matsu in Japanese, stands tall on its base. It not only brings luck, but is also said to bring steadfastness and longevity. Pine trees are well-known for their evergreen needles that keep their color throughout the year, and are often found surrounding ancient castles and gardens throughout the country.
The crane flying above the tree is another omen of luck and longevity. According to an old Japanese proverb, cranes live 1,000 years.
The kozuchi’s handle is tied with a red Edo braided cord, finished with a long fringe. Place this mallet of luck on its cushion anywhere to enjoy the good luck and fulfilled wishes it will bring you — or present it as a gift to a loved one who could use a little luck.